


Most people have heard of someone comparing apples to oranges, but have you ever compared aliens versus zombies?

Well, imagine yourself in the middle of a crowded room. Look to the left of you. Now look to the right. I can almost guarantee  the lovely individual on each side of you is either an Alien or a Zombie. But more importantly…which one are YOU?





Aliens are smart and creative. They have to be…just look at the size of their heads! They take chances and go where no man has gone before. They explore new planets and invite others to take the journey with them. In the end, they want everyone to be a part of their world and no one can say they don’t live life on the edge!






Zombies, on the other hand are slow…of course, they are…just look at all that dead weight they have to carry around! They are unsure of themselves and take cautious steps out in the world. They only like hanging out with their other zombie friends and doing whatever it is that zombies do…like dance. Just what kind of life is THAT?

How about YOU? For myself, I proudly claim to be an alien! I want to journey to other worlds (real or imaginary), to visit other races and hopefully touch the lives of those who live there with the magic of the written word. I want all my new alien friends to strike out on this adventure with me, but just in case I get lost, I also want to be able to phone home…







International best selling, award winning author, Donna L Martin, has been writing since she was eight years old. She is a 4th Degree Black Belt in TaeKwonDo by day and a ‘ninja’ writer of children’s picture books, chapter books, young adult novels and inspirational essays by night. Donna is a BOOK NOOK REVIEWS host providing the latest book reviews on all genres of children’s books, and the host of WRITERLY WISDOM, a resource series for writers. Donna is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators and Children’s Book Insider. She is a lover of dark chocolate, going to the beach and adding to her growing book collection. Donna’s latest book, My Journey, My Journal, is scheduled to be released by Expert Insights Publishing in the Fall 2018.

Donna L

Hybrid award winning author; aspiring sketch artist; and 4th Degree Senior Certified Taekwondo Instructor. Host of BOOK NOOK REVIEWS. Member of SCBWI. Mom to fabulous son and adventurer delving into the tricky world of indie-publishing.

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