

Shalla eased her foot off the gas and watched the speedometer slowly drop below the speed limit sign she saw flash by in her rear view mirror. She knew what her mother would have said.

“Slow down Shalla! The devil’s no chasing you, gurl!”

The moonlight on the curves ahead reminded Shalla she was almost to the spot she dreaded every time she drove home at night. It had been five years since the accident. And four years since her mother started visiting Shalla in her dreams.

At times she thought she was losing her mind. But then there were times, like tonight, that Shalla wondered if her mother wasn’t trying to warn her about something. She was deep in thought and almost forgot about the curves coming up when she looked up to see a strange light by the road leading to the next bend. Again her mother’s voice whispered through her mind.

“Shalla, stop now, gurl!”

Not giving herself time to question it, Shalla braked and pulled onto the shoulder…just in time to see a pair of headlights careening out of control from around the bend and heading toward the spot in the road she had just been before the driver got the vehicle back under control, speeding off into the darkness behind her.

Wrapping her shaking arms around her suddenly cold body, Shalla realized how close she’d come to repeating that same horrible accident of five years ago. 

But the thing that was freaking her out the most?

That strange light she’d seen earlier was now gone, but funny how it looked like her mother had been standing inside the light just before Shalla hear her voice…

Now it’s your turn! Did Shalla’s mother really save her that night? Or was it just all a strange bit of luck? Add to my story or create a new one all of your own in the comments below…





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International best selling, award-winning author, Donna L Martin, has been writing since she was eight years old. She is a 4th Degree Black Belt in TaeKwonDo by day and a ‘ninja’ writer of children’s picture books, chapter books, young adult novels and inspirational essays by night. Donna is a BOOK NOOK REVIEWS host providing the latest book reviews on all genres of children’s books, and the host of WRITERLY WISDOM, a resource series for writers. Donna is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators and Children’s Book Insider. She is a lover of dark chocolate, going to the beach and adding to her growing book collection. Donna’s latest book, LUNADAR: Homeward Bound (a YA fantasy), is now available in eBook and print form from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books A Million, and other online retailers.