The idea of creating an indie publishing house began in the fall of 2017. Kidlit author, Donna L Martin, already had some books traditionally published but was thinking about becoming an indie author. After much research, Donna decided to create her own publishing house to support her love of writing picture books, historical fiction chapter books, young adult fantasy novels, memoir journals, and more. In 2018 a publishing house was born. Now, Story Catcher Publishing has a full team dedicated to creating and publishing the best children’s books possible!

Story Catcher Publishing

Meet our team

Story Catcher Publishing’s design team manager, Shahbaz Awan, comes to us all the way from Pakistan. Shahbaz received a degree in Computer Engineering, but due to the pandemic, he wasn’t able to find employment in that field. In March 2021, he decided to transition into the world of book publishing to design his own website ( where he quickly began offering freelance services in cover design and formatting. Kidlit author and publisher, Donna L Martin, was introduced to Shahbaz shortly afterwards and the rest, as they say, is history. He showed his knowledge and professionalism, handling a variety of projects, to quickly became Story Catcher Publishing’s design team manager. Shahbaz’ team of seven formatters and designers, one cover designer, and one illustrator also offer freelance project support for fiction, non-fiction, picture books, magazine design, or cookbook design in both eBook and print formats on many available printing platforms.

You can follow Shahbaz on Facebook ( or Instagram (

You can check out some of his freelance work by clicking on the following link:

Donna L Martin, Author, Editor, & Publisher

Donna L Martin has been writing for over fifty years. Her genres include poetry, flash fiction, picture books, historical fiction chapter books, young adult fantasy, memoir journals, and inspirational essays for anthologies. In 2010, her first story was traditionally published, and Donna has worked hard over the past several years to produce the best in children’s stories. In 2018, she received the rights back to her debut picture book and decided to open her own publishing house. Since 2018, Story Catcher Publishing has released several books in a variety of genres. Some of these books have gone on to win local awards and 5-star ratings from nationally recognized organizations. There are plans to release many more books and Donna now offers publishing services to other indie authors as well.

You can follow Donna on Facebook (, Twitter (, and Instagram (, or you can contact her via email at

Shahbaz Awan, Design Team Manager & Lead Formatter

Nimra Junaid, Award-Winning Lead Illustrator

Story Catcher Publishing’s Illustrator, Nimra Junaid, also comes to us from Pakistan. Nimra joined us as our lead illustrator in the fall of 2021. As a child, Nimra was good at sketching. Her father encouraged her talent and made sure she had the right supplies to develop her skills. After receiving her degree in Fine Arts, she started her artist profession in 2007. In 2012, Nimra was chosen to participate in painting the World’s Largest Pakistan Flag and received a Guinness World Record certificate for her effort. You can see the record setting flag by clicking on Nimra has completed several murals and ceiling oil paintings as well.

Nimra also offers freelance support to indie author projects with a variety of illustration styles to choose from. You can check out her portfolio at

You can follow Nimra on Instagram at or connect with her for a freelance quote at She can also be reached by calling her in Pakistan at +92 333 4696963.

gray computer monitor

Contact Us

Get in touch with us for publishing services and author inquiries.

Story Catcher Publishing

Specializing in various genres to engage with readers from all around the world.

P O Box 27788, Knoxville, Tn 37927

c/o Story Catcher Publishing

Donna L Martin, Publisher