

I thought once I bought a new computer, my troubles would be over. Now it appears I need to do more work on merging my files, internet connections, and existing programs onto the new computer and it’s proving to be more of a challenge than I expected.

I have no doubt I will be able to set up the new computer in due time but right now, the rest of my life, work, and upcoming holiday obligations are eating up any spare time I have to be able to work on setting up my new computer.

This leaves me with one option and that is to begin my holiday hiatus earlier than planned. Originally, I was going to be away from my computer from 12/21/18 through 1/2/19 for any work related issues. I would still be on Facebook and other social sites, but was going to focus on a much needed rest. For now, I will pause my blog posts until after the New Year so I may have time to get this new computer set up correctly and can tackle the new year properly.

I will still find a way to load my Monday posts for the next three weeks to complete my TWLEVE WEEKS OF LUNADAR freebies contest but that’s about it for now.

To all my readers, I wish the very merriest of holiday season for you and your family. I hope Santa brings you everything you might wish for, and I hope you return to this blog with the new year to find out about all the new and exiting things I have in store for Story Catcher Publishing!

And if you are in the area next Saturday, I will be at the Barnes & Noble in west Knoxville from 9-2, signing copies of LUNADAR: Homeward Bound as well as my story in Chicken Soup For The Soul: Angels Among Us. See you there!

